
  1. Danieljack1991

    Yara N tester

    Have many found the Yara N Tester to be effective and reliable in what result comes back. Interested to know what growth stages people have perhaps used the tool at etc and other comments about it.
  2. Agriland RSS

    Key to blight control is adapting to weather conditions – agronomist

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland A ProCam agronomist has said the key to reliable blight control is to adapt programmes according to weather conditions and using forecasting tools to determine when the threat of blight is at its highest. The agronomy and crop protection business...
  3. CPM RSS

    Potato agronomy: Perils in potatoes

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With an ever complicated story for potato late blight, optimising tools such as varietal resistance and industry monitoring services could help growers to manage the threat. CPM finds out more. By Mike Abram Varietal resistance to...
  4. CPM RSS

    Omnia EasyPlan: The future is easy

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Hutchinsons’ has made a substantial investment in its digital offering to provide an all-in-one farm management system which promises to deliver the goods for UK agriculture. CPM headed to London to hear more about the Omnia EasyPlan...
  5. CPM RSS

    Fit for the Future: Barley benefits

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF In an era where growers are looking to cultivate sustainable rotations which combine farm practicalities with economic returns, experts believe winter barley may increase in importance. CPM finds out more. By Charlotte Cunningham While...
  6. Agriland RSS

    35% of maincrop potato area now planted

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland Approximately 35% of the 2024 maincrop potato area has now been planted out, according to Wilson’s Country agronomist, Stuart Meredith. “This figure takes account of growers across the island of Ireland,” he told Agriland. Co. Armagh-based Wilson’s...
  7. Agriland RSS

    Growers must ‘minimise risk of disease strains developing’ – CAFRE

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprises (CAFRE) has issued a crop management update, covering cereals and potatoes. Crops specialist, Leigh McClean, said: “Frustratingly, spring weather has limited opportunities to get spray and...
  8. Hilly


    I want to tidy up my silage fields , docks thistles ,, what do you recommend chem wise , docks will be the worst ..
  9. S

    Is your farm clean and tidy?

    Just wondered on the state of peoples farms, personally I strongly dislike a messy farm with junk and rubbish getting in the way but not everyone feels as strongly as me it seems unfortunately. Its improving but not its not as good as I would like. How about your farm?
  10. Will Blackburn

    NFU members only!
  11. Wigeon

    T1 on a clean wheat

    I'd be grateful for the collective view. I've got some reasonably clean dawsum that hasn't seen a sprayer yet: Obviously some lower leaf septoria as normal, but otherwise clean. Agronomist reckons 1.1 of Ascra, plus mag man and ccc etc. I'd be interested to know what others are doing in...
  12. F

    What water volume do you use for Glysophosate?

    The label says 80 - 250 L/HA which is a huge range. I've tended to go at 200 L/HA to give everything a "good wetting" but wondered what others are doing and why.
  13. G

    Grain needs to be dearer

    Whats these prices like seems dear to me
  14. snipe

    AIC discusses gatekeeper for Uk grain think this shows 2 things 1) they will make it as hard as possible (which we already know) 2) they are concerned about competition law 🤔
  15. B

    Gatekeeper running very slowly.

    I am finding Gatekeeper so slow to load and carry out tasks that it is almost unusable nowadays. Does anyone else have this problem? My agronomist runs it and he finds the same.
  16. Green oak

    Do we miss bravo and opus?

    why did we ban. Chlorothalonil and epoxiconazole.
  17. B

    T1 spray scorch

    Sprayed T1 on my wheat and it has scorched like hell mainly older leaf’s .Overlaps look terrible vimoy + Kestrel + 1ltr ccc + 0.15 moddus mix any ideas? So dis heartening and depressing when you see it 🤦🏻‍♂️
  18. D

    Disastrous winter crops - cultivate out how?

    Several fields of hybrid rye where the crop has only really survived on top of drains. Maybe 20% of field areas actually growing, so no point patching. No spring fert or autumn herbicide at all. What to do? Ground/soil is sadder than I’ve ever known it, and we’ve had some sad springs. Possible...
  19. A

    Potato crop question

    Have a small crop of potatoes which were a new variety released in Australia. Grown in spring they grew misshapen and had second growth. Appears the variety isn't suited to the warm climate, and its a European variety. Lost a few following 8 inches of rain a few weeks ago so not going to...
  20. Farmer Fin

    Phosphite stimulant in wheat?

    Unsurprisingly our winter wheat is struggling. It has poor root development and has being suffering from manganese deficiency which we don’t normally get. It’s had manganese and NPKS this spring all ready. T0 is approaching and was contemplating some phosphite in as well as PGR and trace...