
  1. skye @ bofin

    The GWCT Allerton Project Trial - The NCS Project

    Their PulsePEP trial will evaluate the novel method of bi-cropping spring peas, spring oats and spring beans in a rotation, looking at the impact on available nitrogen (N) in the following crop. It will also evaluate the environmental benefits of including pulses in a rotation, by measuring...
  2. B

    Less Home Grown Food Because Of The Recent Weather?

    Early morning tv news, reported that the UK had the wettest period (winter/spring), because of which less crops could be planted , so as the news report stated, "the UK has to rely on more imports of food", well thats hard to believe? or took alot of "intelligent" people to come to that...
  3. Pan mixer

    Best smell of the year

    Someone said today that the best smell is freshly rolled cereals in the spring. My entry would be freshly spread rotten muck in the autumn or possibly freshly mown grass. Any other thoughts?
  4. andybk

    The era of cheap food is over (Waitrose) James Bailey, the executive director of Waitrose, says he is determined the supermarket should lead the way in...
  5. B

    Crop Rotation

    Hi, Pretty much brand new to farming so please don't rip me to shreds! I grow barley and oats for cattle consumption. Currently have 4 arable fields in either barley or oats. Is it feasible to rotate consistently between these two crops over these fields or should I be putting in another...
  6. ajd132

    Summer Cover Crops

    What is everyone thinking on this? I have winter triticale for AD being foraged in June, so was always planning to do a summer cover crop with legumes infront of the following wheat. There is now talk of SFI payments for this scenario which is another bonus. My initial thoughts were something...
  7. B


    Hi everyone, I'm designing an app for farmers to control and manage their food waste. I would love it if you could answer the question below, there is no right answer.
  8. M

    How late is too late to sow wholecrop?

    Interested to hear how late you would consider drilling wholecrop peas & barley in the Southwest on heavy clay soil? New to growing this after being recommended it for a protein crop. The field has just got dry enough to kill off with this intention or should I just be going in with maize...
  9. Pan mixer

    Blackgrass ears 2024

    Do I get a prize? 1st year of a ley. Will be mowing soon for silage.
  10. D

    S Barley or S Wheat for wholecrop silage?

    We’ve always grown s barley for wholecrop, but last year‘s efforts were horrendous. Sodding wet spring (after dusty Feb/March), followed on by many weeks of no rain. Barley got sown late, established then gasped for water. None of it managed to get over 12 inches high. This year’s heading the...
  11. CPM RSS

    Inside Traits: Flex to success

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Having invested the time and money required to successfully nurture an oilseed rape crop through to flowering, taking an eye off the ball at this stage in the game isn’t an option. CPM investigates the work behind a new management tool to...
  12. Agriland RSS

    CAFRE reflects on NI spring planting opportunities

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (CAFRE) has just published a crops update for Northern Ireland. It relates the continuing impact of the poor weather on winter cereals, while also reflecting on the 2024 spring planting opportunities...
  13. jackrussell101

    Barley/Pea wholecrop freshweight yield per acre

    As above, never grown it before, just wondering if anyone has any experience of growing it on here.
  14. Boomerang

    In efficient utilities/businesses.

    Open reach guy turned up today came 30 plus miles ,he was involved in "plant protection "" or otherwords checking telegraph poles are not rotting, took hour per pole.. Another guy who lives down road is travelling To Birmingham every day 100miles each way, works for open reach. Inefficient...
  15. MrNoo

    Matching 183 boards

    Aft, I came across a pair of virtually brand new Kristeel 183 boards but they don’t match, not even close. I have another pair that are worn very badly especially on the fronts where the bolt goes through, these of course are like two peas in a pod and match beautifully. Question is do people...
  16. D

    Who counts the bee population

    Production of some crops has been decimated due to the loss of insecticides over the last 20 years, sorry 45 years. Has the bee population increased, if not why not?
  17. Laggard

    Carlin peas

    Anybody grow them?
  18. J


    Any ideas? my bactos have gone absolutely nuts this past 10 days and I don't know why!
  19. Matt77

    Spring bean's....

    How late have people gone, and still got a successful crop, obviously so many variables but interested in experiences drilled into terminated cover crop too.
  20. Mad Farmer

    NFU claiming credit for 25% SFI cap

    Received an email today from NFU welcoming SFI cap and was a result of their lobbying. Can you believe it. !!