
  1. Badshot

    Someone tell me why I can't

    Ok. Slugs have had a large portion of my legume fallow this spring, despite mixing pellets with the seed, and broadcast on top too. There's plants there, but not thick. Luckily they're larger bushier very obvious plants once they flower. Thinking of drilling some mustard or similar into it in a...
  2. Defra Farming

    Wet weather and temporary adjustments to agri-environment agreements

    Wet weather and temporary adjustments to agri-environment agreements Written by The Team Credit: James Clark Between October 2023 and March 2024, England experienced the second wettest 6-month period on record. The rainfall was nearly 60% above the 10-year average. Heavy rainfall has a...
  3. ajd132

    Summer Cover Crops

    What is everyone thinking on this? I have winter triticale for AD being foraged in June, so was always planning to do a summer cover crop with legumes infront of the following wheat. There is now talk of SFI payments for this scenario which is another bonus. My initial thoughts were something...
  4. R

    AB15 poor establishment

    So, planted 30 odd ha of Ab15 last autumn, about half has established well, while the remainder is poor and patchy. I’ve a mind to just go with the poor bits, and mow in accordance with the rules, and hope for the best. Have the seed invoices and records of drilling etc. Anyone else in/ been in...
  5. whindy

    Who's bottled it ?

    How many dd guys have gone cultivating? Out next door neighbours practices a full range of cultivating and has 95% crop cover after a hard winter we dd a majority of ours and a currently re drilling 50% .cultivating a fair bit as the top is solid from rain. Any one else feal like abandoning...
  6. Derrick Hughes

    Grass Seed

    Westerwolds Ryegrass Seed £32.26 acre Italian Ryegrass Seed £33 acre Hybrid Ryegrass Seed £35 acre @14 kg acre Straight Red Clover seed £6.95 kg Patching Seed £27: acre Seed Mixes including SFI available Semi Herbal Long Term Leys Straight Legumes Herbs and Brassica Seed Delivered anywhere uk...
  7. B

    Grass and fertiliser

    Hi all, this year I've decided no more fert.....for now. Got fed up with fert and spray market profiteering and making sure even if we got a huge lift in price for any produce we were only allowed to make the same money as they'd take it all back the next season. Didn't help not having the space...
  8. pgkane

    Fully Shepherded cover crop tack

    Have got upto 300 acres of cover crop that can be grazed 15th august-31st October, looking to get sheep on tack shepherded by myself. Please message if you are interested or know of anyone interested. Oxfordshire/South Warwickshire border. Also what do people think it is worth? Cheers
  9. T

    Massey Ferguson 30 for drilling AB15

    Hi All, I need to put some AB15 (grass/legumes) in, want to drill into a spring overwintered stubble. I have a 3m direct drill but it struggles to drill shallow enough and moves a fair bit of soil, plus it’s slow. I want to tickle it in and have seen a 4m Massey 30 disk drill that I recon...
  10. CPM RSS

    Cover crops: Cover crop rewards

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF The right cover crop mix can help improve nutrient management and provide an environmentally-friendly alternative to chemical pest control. CPM speaks to two growers who are making the most of Severn Trent’s funding scheme. By Rob Jones...
  11. CPM RSS

    SFI herbal ley warnings

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine Growers committed to herbal leys as a 2023 Sustainable Farming Initiative option should pay particular attention to the suitability of seed mixtures, warn experts. While Defra has issued guidelines as to what constitutes a ‘herbal ley’ under the...
  12. Mad Farmer

    NFU claiming credit for 25% SFI cap

    Received an email today from NFU welcoming SFI cap and was a result of their lobbying. Can you believe it. !!
  13. Phil P

    SFI - What % have or where you going to taking out of production?

    Going off the back of the recent news from Defra and reading the current thread about it it would be interesting to see exactly how much land people where actually considering taking out of production. Thers a lot complaining about not being able to enter more than 25% into the 6 options that...
  14. Yale

    New limits to SFI.

  15. steveR

    Herbal Ley survival?

    I was walking one of my "herbal leys" yesterday, and it looks as if the herb constituent has given up the ghost, bar a bit of white clover. The wet winter with the heavy clay lying wet for weeks on end is not conducive to the ley's survival I find. The easier land has seen a better success long...
  16. P

    Permanent Pasture into Arable

    I have 6 acres of land that has been grass for about 25 years. It never cropped very well so it been down as grass, which the neighbour grazes sheep on. I was thinking of getting it into SFI. So my plan was to take it from grass to a cereal crop for a year and then enter it into SFI. Is anyone...
  17. Wigeon

    Winter cover crops on heavy land... what a disaster

    I farm heavy silty clay with flints. No ditches, no land drains. Good strong wheat land, if unforgiving. I've been trying to grow cover crops on and off for the last 9 yrs. With one exception, they have all been disastrous. Summer cover crops in place of a spring crop, on the other hand, can...
  18. Agriland RSS

    Research: Red clover can act to deliver improved silage quality

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland A recent webinar hosted by AgriSearch has confirmed the role for red clover in improving the quality of grass silages. The event was hosted under the auspices of the ongoing ZeroNSile project in Northern Ireland. Courtesy of his opening comments...
  19. CPM RSS

    OSR weed control: Smooth operator

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF A difficult season for herbicide application is likely to have resulted in an unwanted bounty of weeds in oilseed rape crops. With the final window having arrived for mastering some control, CPM digs deeper into the role of water...
  20. P

    Fertilizing winter cereal

    Whats everyone elses position. The wheats looking really hungry now and its so wet wondering whether just go and make a mess or be patient?! Must be loosing yield surely.