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  1. D

    Are back hoe loaders out of fashion? If that was a tractor with a loader would be more than that. So looks cheap to me (for contractor who wants one, not a farmer like me) The mini diggers transported by truck or on farm work tractor drawn...
  2. D

    Banana shortage

    There appears to be an acute shortage of Banana's. What country should we invade to gurantee supply ASDA have none this is serious.
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    B12 or Vitamin E deficency in lambs

    I thought I had joint ill in two lambs, but no response to antibiotics. One was a quad the other a triplet from a twin lamb disease survivor, so not the best start in life. Oddly one outside the other inside, happened on the same day. First thing is back legs very stiff, preffering to lay on...
  4. D

    Who counts the bee population

    Production of some crops has been decimated due to the loss of insecticides over the last 20 years, sorry 45 years. Has the bee population increased, if not why not?
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    Shearling with blocked teat.

    I don't think this Shearling has reared a lamb before, she may have lambed & lost. Very poor Mother, have to hold her to let the lamb feed. One teat works great the other appears to have skin over the teat opening, no way in. I've used Oxytocin on ewes in the past with just a drop of milk &...
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    Can a bad tooth cause flu symptoms to vice versa.

    I developed tooth ache on Tuesday (little warnings for a couple of years.) Got worse & worse all week & now aching eyes & blocked ears. Can a tooth cause this. Or Have I had a bug which has weaked my immune system letting the tooth decay develop quickly.
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    So anyone can do assurance on you

    Hate to give this clown publicity. Laws need to be changed, so idiots like this can't abuse the law & endanger other people.
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    George Galloway

    Against facism, apart from faciest Russia
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    It will never catch on

    The bane of modern life. Even need one to run a bank account.
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    Herbal ley mangement

    Please discuss, those lambs look poor.
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    £4000 in 1974

    Just found an old will from 1974 £4,000 mentioned was that a lot of money in 1974? what would it buy?
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    Small farms are safe

    I was half a sleep this morning but on Farming Today they were saying how bad things were for small farmers. I don't agree. Of course someone who owns 50 acre of land with development potential is very different to someone renting 50 acres of land at a high rent. But if we say perhaps 100...
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    My local railway station

    Not farming, but railways crop up on here quite often. The above film shows lots of history & the fields are in the back ground. I remember as a boy sleeping over at Grandma's house, counting the coal trains going to Manchester all night long. Its all ripped up now & a busy footpath, The...
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    Shell propane bottles

    Are Shell propane gas bottles still used? if not how do I dispose of my 6 bottles.
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    Water mangement in Pakistan

    You have to wonder who is the 1st World country. Maybe in a few years time English born Asians will be going on boats to Pakistan
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    Historical weather records

    Is there a replacement for The Dark Sky Time machine, a website where you could access weather records for the last few years.
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    How many of you block rights of way?

    According to radio 4, due to lack of council funding farmers are routinly blocking rights of way at least 33,000 cases of this. Personally I'm finding the opposite that my walls, fences, gates & ditches are often vandalised & that tresspassing is endemic. Thankfully I'm in a posh area in some...
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    Carbon footprint of tree falling on an electric car

    Can someone tell me the carbon foot print of a tree falling on an electric car? I'm quite pro tree planting. In straight lines in a managed woodland with good weed control & pruned to keep the trunk straight. But why is it such a battle to fell dangerous trees?
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    Update to Boundary grants

    When do we find out what is new for 2024 regarding boundary grants?
  20. D

    Wish list from the SFI santa?

    What would you like from SFI for a late Xmas gift. I include CS because they will merge in time. My wish is an annual payment for a commitment to keep good drystone walls maintained. I've a feeling in my water that I'm going to be lucky. To be greedy (it is my thread) I'd like to see some...