Recent content by crashbox

  1. C

    Good mower for topping

    Any suggestions, please? Nothing fancy, just robust enough to cope with topping paddocks on the grazing platform, pre- and post-grazing. Realistically, looking at 2nd hand... TIA
  2. C

    All things Dairy

    Bit odd, all the hard work done, ideal age to turn out to grass and start chewing it off...
  3. C

    Water going off in troughs

    Didn't know rocksalt helped, might try that one
  4. C

    Water going off in troughs

    Some say a bundle of barley straw keeps troughs clean.
  5. C

    Maize 24

    Yep, 8th May.
  6. C

    Maize 24

    Light ground here; sub soiler / power harrow combi outyields plough typically as.moisture the limiting factor. Need better weed control, though; plough negates a spray application. That said, no till / direct drilled crops in USA amaze me. Not sure why no-one seems to be able to do it here?
  7. C

    Twice a boy, once a man.... Every farmer should be taught this!!

    Must have been a very difficult time. Very lucky to still have mine around. It's too easy to take family for granted.
  8. C

    Twice a boy, once a man.... Every farmer should be taught this!!

    True. And sometimes that means walking away, in business terms.
  9. C

    Twice a boy, once a man.... Every farmer should be taught this!!

    Unfortunately you are not alone. Two things that help; - Accepting that it is their asset, and if they choose to manage it in a sub-optimal manner, that is their prerogative. - Being independent, i.e. independent income, career, home, so that their choices do not directly impact you.
  10. C

    "Improving Our Lot" - Planned Holistic Grazing, for starters..

    I am a big fan of good utilisation so agree with your approach. I don't agree with "eat a third, trample a third, leave a third" here; land is too dear and we are not in a brittle environment to need it.
  11. C

    "Improving Our Lot" - Planned Holistic Grazing, for starters..

    When you say "residual", do you mean the target cover post grazing?
  12. C

    Maize 24

    We started due to an obligation in our CS agreement. Started with Westerwolds, then brassicas, this year 5+ year mixed. Dry the ground out and add structure, helping get a crop in sooner, and retaining nutrients. Would recommend trying a field.
  13. C

    Maize 24

    Have you ever grown cover crops? We were reluctant but now won't not drill them on maize ground.
  14. C

    All things Dairy

    Getting warm, watch the flies.
  15. C

    All things Dairy

    You've thicker skin than that, Beefy. They look awesome 😎